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Tola tailors is proud to bring to you a wide range of hand stitched traditional Tibetan dresses with an objective to revive this unique heritage with contemporary touch.

Sanggye Tenpa (sangs rgyas bstan pa) was born around 1638. He was the son of Lupel (klu ‘phel, d.u.),
Jampa Puntsok (byams pa phun tshogs) was the born in the late sixteenth century, in Dege (sde dge), Kham (khams).
Lodro Gyatso (blo gros rgya mtsho) was born in 1722, the water-rabbit year of twelfth sexagenary cycle.
Puntsok Tenpa (phun tshogs bstan pa) was the second son of Tenpa Tsering (bstan pa tshe ring,
Tenpa Tsering (bstan pa tshe ring) was born in 1678, the earth-horse year of eleventh sexagenary cycle, in Dege (sde ge), Kham. His father was Wangchen Gonpo (dbang chen mgon po), the nominal king of the Dege royal family in the thirty-ninth generation.
Sonam Puntsok (bsod nams phun tshogs) was born in mid seventeenth century in Dege (sde dge). His father was Orgyen Tashi (o rgyan bkra shis), the nominal head of the royal family in the thirty-eighth generation.
Orgyen Tashi (o rgyan bkra shis) was born some time in the seventeenth century. He was the son of Lupel (klu ‘phel), the seventh king of Dege (sde dge) and the head of the royal family in its thirty-seventh generation.
Ponchen Konchok Lhuntub (dpon chen dkon mchog lhun grub) was the sixth king of the Dege kingdom (sde dge) and the head of the family for the thirty-sixth generation.
Kunga Rinchen (kun dga’ rin chen) was the son of Yagyel (ya rgyal), the fourth king of Dege. The was likely born towards the end of the sixteenth century.
He is counted as the head of the family in its thirty-fourth generation. His father was Ponchen A-nga (dpon chen a snga, d.u.), the third king of Dege.
He is counted as the head of the family in its thirty-third generation. His father was Gyeltsen Bum (rgyal mtshan ‘bum, d.u.), the second king of Dege.
He is counted as the head of the family in its thirty-second generation. His father was Botar Tashi Sengge (o thar bkra shis seng+ge, d.u.), the first king of Dege.
Botar chose a place called Ngulda (dngul mda’) for his seat and initiated his family’s rule over the kingdom. He famously invited the Nyingma tantric master Tangtong Gyelpo (thang stong rgyal po,
Yangchen Dolma (dbyangs can sgrol ma) was the daughter of Tenpa Tsering (bstan pa tshe ring, 1678-1738), the twelfth king of Dege Kingdom. She had two brothers who served as abbots and rulers of the kingdom,
Local Tibetans found the carcasses of 20 musk deer and one eagle on June 22, 2016 in the traditional Tibetan area of Kham Dege, located today in Sichuan province.